副校长,学术事务 & Student Learning

向学院院长汇报, 教务和学生学习副校长担任学院的首席教学官.  学术事务和学生学习副校长作为校长执行团队的一员,全面负责彩票365官方网站, faculty, distance education, 拨款发展.  重要职责包括监督开发, organization, and revision of the college’s academic programs; monitoring grant goals and objectives; evaluating instruction according to college policy; participating in the development and revision of academic policy; supporting specialized accreditations for academic programs; serving as ACCJC Accreditation Liaison Officer; and demonstrating a strong commitment to the philosophy and mission of a California comprehensive community college.

副总统办公室位于行政大楼, Office 20, 周一至周五上午8点开放.m. to 5:00 p.m.


